Studio Alignment at Tonemestrene – Denmark

Tonemestrene Studio, CopenhagenAfter working with so many of the sound mixers in Scandinavia over the past 15 years as Dolby’s senior Consultant, it was great to see Rune Palving, Peter Albrechtson and the team at Tonemastrene, Copenhagen this year. Rune contacted me beforehand asking for advice, setting up their new studio for pre-mixing theatrical mixes. The room met minimum Dolby requirements with some discussion over surround placement and acoustics. The room did take a while to work, but the end result, with the JBL/Crown combination was superb. The low frequencies behaving, minimal reflections and more importantly, really good translation between larger rooms.

“I’ve done a couple of mixes there and it translates great, indeed. Thanks so much for your excellent work, Mark” – Peter Albrechtsen | @lydrummet

Way Creative Studios – Sweden

filmsoundconsultant169I was commissioned to set up a new pre-mix room for theatrical mixing in Malmo, south Sweden. They had installed Genelec 1038B, 3-way speakers for the screen channels & were using 8050’s for their surround channels, with a 7071A for a dedicated LFE channel. After adjusting the low/mid/high on the 1038B’s & using minimal EQ in the Ashley Protea system II, the system was tuned to the x-curve, setting the reference level to 85dBC SPL. Note, the in-band level of the LFE should be +10dB in-band gain when referenced to the centre channel. The room had been well designed & the ratio was close to ideal, minimising room nodes & standing waves. The room also satisfied the Dolby requirements, with a minimal distance from the screen channels of 5M, also behaving well at low frequency with minimal EQ applied. The RT60 was very controlled for a room of this size, especially at low frequency & as always with smaller rooms, it’s important to add the correct delay into the surround channels. This can make a significant difference to the weight of the surround mix and therefore, typically cause a lower surround mix if set incorrectly, resulting in loss of surround presence in larger theatres.